Amazing Health Benefits of Amla or Indian Gooseberry

Amla or the Indian gooseberries are small, light green berries which are bitter in taste. It belongs to the Euphorbiaceous family, and the fruit ripens during the autumn season. The fresh and dried fruits can be consumed for their health benefits. Amla has great health benefits which are mainly attributed to the high content of vitamin C, and it is used in Ayurvedic treatment as a remedy for many diseases. It’s also rich in vitamin B complex, calcium, iron, phosphorus and also has antioxidant properties. It’s a traditional herb and the health benefits include:

What are the benefits of Amla juice?

  1. Prevents cell damage and cancer

As an antioxidant, it prevents the damage of cells in the body, and it repairs any damage that may have been caused by free radicals in the body. It helps fight off carcinogenic chemicals which are harmful, inhibits the growth of cancerous cells, and reduces the adverse effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy.

  1. Helps in metabolism and digestion

Amla has a high amount of fiber and roughage which helps in relieving indigestion and constipation. It also helps in flushing out toxins hence balancing and strengthening the digestion process. The antioxidant, fiber, polyphenol and water content in Amla helps relieve stomach upsets.

  1. Helps in diabetic control

Amla lowers the concentration of sugar in the blood and stimulates the pancreases Islets of Langerhans to regulate adequate secretion of insulin hormone hence preventing diabetes.

  1. Ensures a healthy heart

For a healthy heart, you need to take Amla regularly. It helps in lowering the cholesterol levels and strengthens the cardiac muscles which ensure a smooth pumping of blood and oxygen to the entire body. Amla has chromium, which prevents plaque formation in the blood vessels (atherosclerosis) hence saving you from heart problems and stroke. Iron promotes the development of new red blood cells, increases oxygenation and circulation of cells and organs so as to maximize their growth and regeneration of tissues.

  1. Eye care

Drinking Amla juice helps improve one’s eyesight, and this is due to the carotene levels in it which has a powerful effect on vision-related conditions. Together with vitamin A, it reduces the chances of getting macular degeneration, night blindness and strengthens your vision which may be caused by age-related degeneration.

  1. Hair care

Amla is used to enrich the growth of hair and its pigmentation, strengthens the roots, improves luster and maintains color. In India, it is known to reduce hair loss and baldness, and this is due to carotene, iron and antioxidant properties.

  1. Improves the immune system

Amla enhances the immune system and protects the body against infection due to the astringent and antibacterial properties. Vitamin C also is suitable for stimulation of the immune system, and it increases the white blood cell content in the body which attacks and eliminates any foreign toxins in the body and bloodstream.

  1. Good for the skin

Amla contains vitamin A which is essential for collagen production, which makes the skin young and elastic. It does this by slowing down the degeneration of collagen and prolongs the aging process. When applied externally, it removes the dead cells and makes your skin fresh and glowing.

How to consume Amla for good health?

  1. Consume fresh amala
  2. Amla Juice
  3. Amla powder in a glass of milk or water
  4. Amla Candy
  5. Amla Muraba

How Much Amla to consume daily?

Have 2-3 raw Amla  daily or 2 tsp of Amal juice or 1tsp of Amala powder in milk or water.



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